4-H & FFA Show Information
Kenton County Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Rules and Regulations:
The Kenton County Fair Association, Kentucky State Fair or Kenton County 4-H, is not responsible for any lost or damaged articles including livestock.
All animals must have a valid health certificate as per the health requirements of exhibition in Kentucky for fairground entry.
NO animals are left at the fair, the 4Her is responsible for all care and neither the Fair Board nor 4-H is responsible for theft, illness or care.
The decision of the judges is final.
To be eligible to exhibit at the Kenton County Fair, 4-H members must complete Record Books according to county policy-see below. **Record books must be logged in by a secretary, agent or record book committee volunteer at the Extension Office BEFORE 4:30 p.m. Monday July 8, 2024 to be judged. As always, record books will be accepted during office hours in the weeks prior to the deadline. If record books are not completed to satisfaction of judges, projects may be disqualified.**
Projects must be work done by 4-Her and completed since last year's Kenton County Fair.
Premium offered-Blue not to exceed $20.00 depending on class and Danish system.

KY Livestock/Animal Exhibition Health Requirements
All up-to-date Livestock/Animal Health Regulations can be obtained on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture website.
All livestock/animals offered for sale or exhibition at Kentucky County Fairs shall meet the following regulations according to KRS Chapter 257: Refer to https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/302/020/065.pdf
For additional information on movement and ID of Kentucky origin livestock: Refer to http://kyagr.com/statevet/animal-movement.html
Any questions concerning these health regulations should be directed to your local veterinarian or the Kentucky State Veterinarian's office at: 502-573-0282
Please be advised that Livestock Health Regulations are subject to change at any time.
How to Enter 4-H Projects for the Kenton County Fair
All 4-H youth (age 9-18) that want to enter projects must turn in Record Book by 4:30 p.m. on July 8th to the Marshall Road or Kenton Lands Office and register that record book on line: kentoncounty.fairentry.com.
All 4-H Fair Building projects must be entered online in the Fair Entry system: kentoncounty.fairentry.com by 4:30 p.m. on July 8th, 2024. After you have registered your projects, email mary.cannon@uky.edu and she will email your fair tags. If you do not have the resources to print your tags at home, please let Mary know and she will mail them to you.
Social Security numbers will be required. Only the fair administrator can see this number and it will only be used for State Fair winners.
Youth must enter all projects online by 4:30 p.m. on July 8th,2024.
Sunday, July 14th is a drop off day only. You will bring your projects to the Kenton County Fairgrounds to be judged. You must register your projects ahead of time and have the proper tags on them when you arrive.
You WILL NOT be able to enter your projects into the Fair Entry system on drop off day, July 14th or after 4:30 p.m. on July 8th..
Beginning on April 15, you can log on to kentoncounty.fairentry.com from your computer or any mobile device to submit your entries to the fair. Online entries will be required for all exhibitors.
The deadline for online entries & record books will be 4:30 p.m. on July 8th,2024.
Fair Tags will be printed and can be picked up at the Marshall Road Office on July 5-8 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.