Open Events
Family Barnyard Fun Night
Monday, July 15, 2024
FF - 1 - Stick Horse Costume (age 2-6). Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 2 - Stick Horse Race (age 2-4). Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 3 - Stick Horse Race (age 5-6). Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 4 - Chicken Rodeo (age 3-5). Entry fee $2 a team, Prize $20 a team.
FF - 5 - Greased Pig Contest (age 6 & under).Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 6 - Greased Pig Contest (age 7-10).Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 7 - Chicken Rodeo (age 6-8). Entry fee $2 a team, Prize $20 a team.
FF - 8 - Greased Pig Contest (age 11-13). Entry fee $2, Prize $20.
FF - 10 - Chicken Rodeo (age 9-10). Entry fee $2 a team, Prize $20 a team.
Age determined as of contest date.
Chicken Rodeo - team consists of 2 children (no use of bags, hats, etc.)
Any unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
All official decisions are final.
Enter at your own risk.
Kenton County Fair Board or other persons are not responsible for accidents.
July 2023
Special thanks to Cheyenne M Kiser for the photo
Barnyard Olympics
Monday, July 15, 2024 At conclusion of Family Barnyard Fun Event (Registration 6:30 p.m.)
Olympic Events
Egg Carry, Three-legged Race
Wheelbarrow Relay, Dizzy Bat
Obstacle Course
TOP 3 (Prizes)​
​1st: $50
2nd: $40
3rd: $30
Teams will consist of two people.
Entry fee will be $10 per team.
Participants must dress appropriately.
Rules for each event will be posted and explained prior to each event.
Participants will accumulate points for each event on the following scale: 1st-5 pt, 2nd-4pt, 3rd-3pt, 2nd-2pt, 1st-1pt.
Teams accumulating most points win.
In case of ties, teams will face off in tug of war.
Children's Pedal Tractor Pull
Friday, July 19, 2024 Pull starts at 7:00 p.m. (Registration begins at 6:45 p.m.)
4-5 year old girls 15 10 5
year old boys 15 10 5
6-7 year old girls 15 10 5
6-7 year old boys 15 10 5
8-9 year old girls 15 10 5
8-9 year old boys 15 10 5
Contest to be held in the Livestock Building.
Entry fee $1.00 per child.
Contestants must be 9 years old or younger on day of event.
Tractor will be furnished by the Fair Board
For more information
Kevin McCarty
(513) 551-0499
*All children will receive a ribbon